With the first nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) slated for 2:20pm Eastern time today, September 28th, 2016; it will shortly be time to file "form two" in the on-line ETRS system -- before midnight in fact! Here's a quick guide, assuming you have filed "form one".

There are two basic questions asked on form one:

  • Did you receive the EAS test?
  • Did you retransmit the EAS test?


  1. Point your web browser at the ETRS login page: https://fcc.appiancloud.com/ and log in.
  2. The instructions are worth reading, and what you'll want to do is locate
    "Your recent EAS Test Records" in the middle of the page, beneath which you'll find your record containing form one. Click on it.
  3. At the top-right of your test record, a button for filing form two should be visible, click it
  4. Form two may appear as below (image grabbed from an FCC document).
  5. Answer the questions and file the form

Form three will follow a similar process, however contains many more questions.