Resources & Tools

This information is oriented toward the 2013 LPFM window. Although much of it is still applicable to the recently-announced 2023 LPFM window, there are some notable changes:
  • The FCC's on-line systems still require roughtly the same information, but CDBS has been replaced with LMS, which operates very differently.
  • Most everything about transmitter models, audio processors, and other electronic technology and prices is out of date, although antennas haven't changed much.
  • The LPFM point system is a bit different.
Since LPFM availability in and near urban areas is extremely rare, here are some alternatives to LPFM.

Resources and tools to help you start your own community radio station! Just getting started? Read "What is Low Power FM?"

Station Developement

Podcasting: Learn all the basics of podcasting, from recording and editing to broadcasting online.

Popular Education Tools: Look at some materials designed to help radio groups engage in productive discussions about building a vision for their community.

Archives: Catch up on recently recorded audio and video trainings and webinars for more information on low power radio and instructions for how to get on the air.

55 Ways to Raise $500: Fundraising tips to help you start your station.

State-by-State Legal Support for Nonprofit Organizations: Need help becoming a nonprofit organization or understanding the rules for nonprofit organizations in your state? Prometheus has collected some resources for you! The following list is by no means complete, but can help guide you in the right direction if you need pro bono (free) or low cost legal help.

General Help

How to Launch Your Own Low Power FM Station: Linking to a variety of valuable resources, this handy guide walks you through the process of applying for a license and starting a station.

Put Your Hands on the Radio: A short video overview about how to start a radio station.

FAQ for the Board: Answers to common questions that your board of directors might have in considering starting a low power FM station. A great document to print out and share with them.

Low Power Availability Map (2013): Shows the numerical spread of FM channels available for new low power FM stations.

Sign Up for our Email List: To stay updated on the latest news about applying, FCC rulemakings, resources, and chances to participate.

FCC Low Power FM Application

Preparing to Apply Checklist: This checklist is designed to help organizations along the path to apply for low power FM (LPFM) radio licenses.

Application Guide: Guide to non-engineering sections of FCC low power radio application.

How To Login to CDBS: Follow the steps below to create a CDBS account to file your low power FM application. Still confused? Check out the video guide on how to create a CDBS account.

Writing Your Educational Program Exhibit : If you are a nonprofit educational organization (in other words, any LPFM applicant other than a school or public safety agency), you will be required to tell the FCC about your educational program as part of your LPFM application. This document provides some advice on how to do this.

FCC Application Glossary: Sometimes it is impossible to figure out what the hell the FCC is talking about. They are not doing it just to confuse you. All fields of human activity develop specialized lingo. Here are the terms you might need to know get a radio license.

FCC, CDBS, and FRN: Recovering On-Line Account Information: Sometimes we lose it!


RFree: Rfree, a free and open source software for LPFM community radio applicants and the engineers developed by Prometheus Radio Project. This web-based software offers technical support for Low Power FM (LPFM) applicants.

RFree How-To Videos/Screencasts: This collection of videos and screencasts walks you through using our RFree software. 

LPFM technical guide: This guide will help you to understand how to fill out Tech Box in Form 318 for the low power FM application.

Antenna Supports Information for Property Owners: This one-page document gives an overview of LPFM antennas, towers, and other supports. This resource is meant to help LPFM applicants when approaching property owners about renting space for an LPFM antenna.

Engineering Services: Need someone to do your engineering work for you? Hire a Prometheus engineer!


What would you do with a community radio station?: A great video on the power of community radio. Share it with others in yoru organization, board members, and community!

Station Profiles: Get ideas for how to build your own community station by looking at some of the most inspiring low power community radio stations broadcasting today.

Applicant Stories: Prometheus is working with hundreds of organizations to help build a nationwide network of community radio stations. Check out some of the applicants here!

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